Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Blood Sugar: 5 Foods to Help Regulate Your Blood Sugar Levels

Dangerous diseases such as diabetes are forcing us to pay attention to what we eat in order to regulate blood sugar levels and maintain a healthy and peaceful. There are several ways to do this, but the best is power. Follow a diet of quality not only helps you lose fat or excess weight, but also to regulate the whole body and warding off diseases of various kinds. Today I do not want to talk about nutrition in general, but I want to appoint 5 of the foods that I consider most useful for regulating blood sugar levels. These foods have beneficial properties suitable for this purpose and are readily available in any supermarket. Armed with pen and paper and segnateli all!

The 5 Foods that regulate blood sugar

Oatmeal - The latest research oatmeal has been recognized as an excellent control of blood sugar. Should not scare the fact that it is a food full of carbohydrates, according to various nutritionists these carbohydrates are considered to be of quality and are digested slowly, which adjusts better the sugars present in your blood.

Barley - Barley also has the same effect as oatmeal, but you can also create a mixture between the two products to achieve maximum benefit from both. In short, you will feed well and you will automatically sugars, removing the risk of various diseases related to sugars.
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Spinach - One of the richest source of iron . E 'was also confirmed that helps a lot to combat diabetes, so it is an essential food for the regulation of sugar. Spinach is also very good and are recommended in all diets. They give strength and power, what more do you want from a food?

Broccoli - Same Speech spinach. You can toggle between the two products so as not to accustom the body to a single food. I've always said that to vary the food is the best strategy to maintain the ideal weight you want. Such as spinach, broccoli also have an excessive cost to buy them so it starts.

Salmon and fish in general - and 'the food that contains more omega 3 in total, so it's a "must" to improve the level of blood sugar. If you think that these foods are also needed in the protein diet , you'll have a double dividend. The fish also has many other beneficial properties, but I will speak in the future.

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