Saturday, June 28, 2014

Insomnia Leads to Lost Productivity

Insomnia Leads to Lost Productivity

A common cold or a fever is usually what leads to most sick days in corporate America. Most employers prefer their employees to stay home if he or she is sick. They rather not get other employees sick, which would lead to lost productivity. A recent study, sponsored by Sanofi-Aventis and Merck, revealed some very astonishing data. They study revealed that almost 23% of employees in the United States suffer from insomnia or another form of sleep disorder. Even though 23% of the work force suffers from insomnia, there is not an increase in sick days in that pool of employees with the sleep disorder. A further survey showed that employees with sleep disorders still come into work on their regular schedules, but are more likely to be less productive due to lack of sleep. The amount of productivity lost by the average employee with a sleep disorder is 7.8 working days a year. This equates to almost $ 2,300 a year in salary paid for work not performed. Ultimately, that round off to almost $ 63 billion lost in productivity due to insomnia or other sleep disorders.

Conditions such as asthma or COPD require constant monitoring of oxygen levels. To monitor one’s oxygen levels, a pulse oximeter is required. A pulse oximeter, also known as a pulse ox, is a medical device used to measure blood oxygen saturation and pulse rate of an individual. A pulse oximeter has been a staple in clinical settings for decades now, but recently became available in a portable form for home use. Sleep disorders, such as insomnia, have a close relationship with low oxygen levels. As oxygen levels go down, various disorders can form from. A pulse oximeter provides readings of oxygen levels within seconds, which has proven to be very useful to sleep disorder patients. It allows the patients to be able to discuss their issues in detail with their doctors. It also allows them to better understand their own conditions.

The study’s main focal point was to put focus on lost productivity, but in reality it brought to the attention of the medical world and normal citizens that sleep disorders are real, and are considered an illness. Almost one fourth of the workers in the United States suffer from lack of sleep. Yes, it is not a good thing to lose productivity, but it is also important to understand that lack of sleep brings about other health related illnesses.

For high quality, low-cost pulse oximeter and oximeter models, visit us at

Insomnia Leads to Lost Productivity

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